

Mat Callahan is a musician and author from San Francisco, now residing in Bern, Switzerland.  He composed and performed music with seminal world-beat band, The Looters, whose success led to the founding of the artists’ collective Komotion International. He is the author of three books, Sex, Death and the Angry Young Man, Testimony, and The Trouble With Music. He can be contacted at: or

Dr Mark Everard’s new book Common Ground: The Sharing of Land and Landscapes for Sustainability is published by Zed Books, London. You can find out more about Mark’s other books and work at

.Michael Newman trained as a science teacher to deliver the then newly created national curriculum,attended the Speakers Conference on Citizenship in 1990. He has also worked at A. S. Neill’s Summerhill School for over 11 years as teacher and then houseparent, facilitating the children’s campaign to save the school in 1999, and organising events with them ever since to share Summerhill’s history and philosophy with other children and educationalists.  For the past six years he has been a school project worker for active global citizenship working with primary and secondary schools in Tower Hamlets and London, working on children’s and human rights, local democracy, sustainability, ICT, community cohesion, and co-operative enterprise.

Nina Power is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Roehampton University. She is the co-editor of Alain Badiou’s On Beckett and his Political Writings. Nina has published widely on topics including Iran, humanism, vintage pornography and Marxism. Her book One Dimensional Woman is published by O-Books.  She also blogs at Infinite Thought

Wu Ming 1 is a member of the Wu Ming Foundation, grew up in the lands between Ferrara and the Adriatic Sea which are depicted in his story, and blogs at

Gabriel Kuhn is an Austrian-born writer and translator, currently living in Stockholm, Sweden. He publishes on a variety of subjects, including anarchism, subculture, and sports. Among his most recent books are Sober Living for the Revolution: Hardcore Punk, Straight Edge, and Radical Politics (PM Press, 2010) and Soccer vs. the State: Tackling Football and Radical Politics (PM Press, 2011).

Stephen Duncombe is Associate Professor at the Gallatin School and the Department of Media, Culture and Communications of New York University where he teaches the history and politics of media.  He is author of Dream: Re-Imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy and the editor of the Cultural Resistance Reader.

Maxwell Tremblay writes for Maximumrocknroll, plays drums in the band SLEEPiES, and is a doctoral student in Philosophy at the New School for Social Research.

Roger Peet is an artist and a printmaker. His work tends to focus on the contemporary crisis of biodiversity and what can and can’t be done about it. He is a member of the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative, a group of North American artists producing socially and environmentally engaged artwork. You can see his work at Too Sphexy.

Guppi Bola came into food justice activism after having a brainwave with her partner-in-crime Casper Ter Kuile on Brighton beach. She gets fired up by the environmental and health impacts of the food industry, but has enjoyed exploring new food based campaign tactics after helping run the Create Justice Through Food programme earlier this summer. Guppi’s academic background is in public health, her “spare time” is spent on activism.

Bethan Graham started thinking more consciously about food after dicing what felt like a thousand onions in the Wales neighbourhood kitchen in the Kingsnorth Climate Camp in 2008. Since then, she has been involved in community kitchen and food growing projects in Leeds and Swansea, and has recently moved to London.

David Bollier is an independent commons scholar who works with the Commons Strategy Group and blogs at  He is the author of ten books, most recently Viral Spiral:  How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own

Marianne Maeckelbergh is lecturer in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University, Netherlands. She has 15 years experience as an activist, organising and facilitating exactly the decision-making processes that lie at the heart of her study. Her book The Will of Many is available from Pluto Press.

Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative is a decentralized network of 26 artists committed to making print and design work that reflects a radical social, environmental, and political stance. We believe in the transformative power of personal expression in concert with collective action. To this end, we produce collective portfolios, contribute graphics to grassroots struggles for justice, work collaboratively both in- and outside the co-op, build large sculptural installations in galleries, and wheatpaste on the streets.  You can  find them at Justseeds

Transition Heathrow aims to bring to light the environmental damage and misery future airport expansion at Heathrow will bring to local residents and businesses.  Their objective is to build permanent and sustainable communities within threatened areas to offer and show a viable alternative to the bulldozing of green spaces, houses, lives and history. Grow Heathrow welcomes visitors & volunteers. For more information visit Transition Heathrow

Planting Justice is a non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA dedicated to food justice, economic justice, and sustainable local food systems. They are the first organization of their kind to combine ecological training and urban food production with a grassroots door-to-door organizing model that vastly increases their educational community outreach, help them to recruit volunteers, decentralizes fundraising sources, and provides local jobs that also train young community organizers.  You can see the work they do at Planting Justice

Envision Spokane aim to build an economically and environmentally sustainable community through     democratic self-governance.  To learn more about their Bill of Rights go to Envision Spokane and The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund

Dan Piraro is a cartoonist who has won 11 awards for Bizarro.  For his animal rights-themed cartoon, he won the Humane Society’s Genesis Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of 2002.  His work can be found at Bizzaro

Brandon Jourdan is an award-winning independent filmmaker, journalist, and writer. His film, the July War, is based on the 2006 war in Lebanon and the consequences of the war. Jourdan has contributed to the NY Times, CNN, Babelgum, Reuters, Deep Dish TV, Democracy Now!, the Independent Media Center, Now with Bill Moyers, Foreign Exchange, and Free Speech Television. He is currently based in the Netherlands, where he is working on a film about reactions to the financial crisis.  He blogs at Brandon Jourdan

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